The 260.xx series of NVidia drivers is known to fuck up SUSE installs. The driver somehow messes with the low level glibc library which in turn affects many applications (VLC, Amarok,...). I don't know what exactly goes wrong -- either evil SUSE hacks applied to glibc or NVidia only tests against eglibc-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu,...) and didn't notice/care that glibc behaves differently from eglibc. Whatever the reason is: The issue is long known to NVidia as well as Novell but the measures taken to fix that issue are minimal on both sides. The only way to resolve this is to manually install the latest 270.xx beta driver: (which naturally is not offered in the driver repository because that would be way to convenient...) You have to install at least 'binutils', 'gcc', 'kernel-source', and 'make'. And I think you need 'kernel-devel' as well. Download the driver to your Home folder, make it executable (right click, Properties, Permissions). Then logout and kill the X server (hold Ctrl and Alt while pressing Backspace twice). Then login on the text-based shell and type: sudo ./ (change the file name accordingly should a newer driver be released while you read this). When the installer asks you whether it should do something for you, just select Yes. After the installation press Ctrl-Alt-Del to reboot. So far 270.30 seems to run fine for me. Am Samstag 19 März 2011, 01:25:21 schrieb Randall K:
On Sat, 19 Mar 2011 01:06 +0100, "Markus Slopianka"
<> wrote:
Do you have a NVidia GPU?
Yep I do.
hwinfo | egrep GeForce Model: "nVidia GeForce 9600 GT" Device: pci 0x0622 "GeForce 9600 GT"
rpm -qa | grep nvidia x11-video-nvidiaG02-260.19.36-24.1.x86_64 nvidia-gfxG02-kmp-desktop-260.19.36_k2.6.37.1_1.2-23.1.x86_64 nvidia-texture-tools-2.0.6-10.1.x86_64
lsmod | grep -i nvidia nvidia 10284430 38
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