Ok, fixed :-) "-std=gnu11" is needed to be set because alsa was updated. (alsa support was removed during "configure" due to compilation error) On Fri, 19 Jul 2024 01:56:56 -0500 "David C. Rankin" <drankinatty@gmail.com> wrote:
Just passing along a bug report regarding kmix losing it mind (mixer) in Tumbleweed.
KDE3 kmix cannot find mixer, alsamixer and kamix okay https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1228133
I'm no sound expert, so if you have additional information about why kmix is broken in Tumbleweed, please add your information to the bug report (and hopefully it can get fixed)
The odd part is sound in KDE3 on Tumbleweed is fine. Alsamixer works fine in konsole. kamix works fine in systray (it's ugly, basically being a KDE2 app, but it works)
So why kmix can't at least do at minimum what alsamixer and kamix can is a mystery to me.
-- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
-- Yasuhiko Kamata E-mail: belphegor@belbel.or.jp