25 Mar
25 Mar
Am Montag 24 März 14 schrieb Helga Fischer:
.. Under 13.1 there is no way making Umlaute :(.
Just for me a problem. I'm using full KDE3 environment and won't to change this.
Me too. I write this on a openSUSE 13.1 with KMail 1.9.10 (KDE 3.5.10 "release 76" openSUSE) and have no Problem with äöüß and ÄÖÜ even in a Terminal, with LANG=de_DE.UTF-8. How can I test accents from Keyboard? I have not activated any Tastaturlayout in KDE3, language is Deutsch. This is from Kcharselect: àáâãåçÀÁÂÃÅÇ -- Herzliche Grüße! Rolf Muth Meine Adressen dürfen nicht für Werbung verwendet werden! S/MIME Zertifikat 0x25F0E92D9AE21AE6