Hi Henk! You are still posting HTML-Mails! Nevertheless: It seems that everthing works fine with ippp0. You dial the number, authentificate via chap
May 29 09:59:08 linux ipppd[1244]: rcvd [0][CHAP Success id=0x1 "\000"]
and receive the IP-Address
May 29 09:59:08 linux ipppd[1244]: local IP address May 29 09:59:08 linux ipppd[1244]: remote IP address
Then you were 46sec. online.
May 29 09:59:54 linux ipppd[1244]: Modem hangup May 29 09:59:54 linux ipppd[1244]: Connection terminated. May 29 09:59:54 linux ipppd[1244]: taking down PHASE_DEAD link 0, linkunit: 0 May 29 09:59:54 linux ipppd[1244]: sent [0][LCP TermReq id=0x2 6c 69 6e 6b 20 63 6c 6f 73 65 64] May 29 09:59:54 linux ipppd[1244]: LCP is down May 29 09:59:54 linux ipppd[1244]: closing fd 19 from unit 0 May 29 09:59:54 linux ipppd[1244]: link 0 closed , linkunit: 0 May 29 09:59:54 linux ipppd[1244]: reinit_unit: 0 May 29 09:59:54 linux ipppd[1244]: Connect[0]: /dev/ippp0, fd: 19 May 29 09:59:54 linux kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0 May 29 09:59:54 linux kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0 May 29 09:59:54 linux kernel: ippp, open, slot: 2, minor: 0, state: 0000 May 29 09:59:54 linux kernel: ippp_ccp: allocated reset data structure c053f000 May 29 09:59:54 linux kernel: ippp_ccp: freeing reset data structure c0543800 May 29 09:59:54 linux isdnlog: May 29 09:59:54 tei 99 calling +31 70/3782888, Den Haag with +31 70/3830281, Den Haag Normal call clearing (User)
Can you do something in this period (ping your own IP or Remote IP or another server?) ---snip--- There seems to be a problem with the server you try to contact with the device ippp1! Is it possible that the remote server has more than one IP under this number?
May 29 09:58:48 linux ipppd[1269]: rcvd [0][IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns2>]
Start yast (1) goto Administartion - Netzwerk konfigurieren - Netzwerk Grundkonfiguration and set the PtP Adress for ippp1 to or or and try again. This is just a thought. I don't know if it is possible for a remote Server to have more than one IP over the same Phonenumber! -- mfg Gordin
participants (2)
Gordin Kabosch