Ich hab nun vbox3 und das neue tcl installiert trotzdem bleibt der selbe fehler hier ein auszug aus dem log ist etwas mehr ich habe die wichtigen stellen gekennzeichnet der auszug ist ab der stelle wo vbox auf einen anruf warter bis zum error und noch ein teil danach.Ich habe hier eine Isa Fritzcard (AVM a1). Und eine soundblaster kompatible 8 bit karte. Die isdn karte ist samt telefon an den s0 bus der telefon anlage angeklemmt daher auch die MSN '5'. Ich hoffe Jemand weis da weiter das log gibt mir absolut keinen hinweis wodran der fehler liegt. 18-Apr 06:26:37 <D> Tcl script returns without errors. 18-Apr 06:26:37 <D> Flushing modem... 18-Apr 06:26:37 <A> Waiting...
Vbox Wartet auf anruf! Anruf kommt um 6:45:39
18-Apr 06:45:39 <D> Reading modem answer (6s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <A> RING/5 #001 (not known)... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Reading modem answer (6s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Parsing "/etc/vbox/vboxgetty.conf" [VBOXGETTY- PHONE-5]... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Section match "[VBOXGETTY-PHONE-5]"... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Setting "user" to "phone"... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Setting "group" to "users"... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Setting "umask" to "0077"... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Setting "hdspace" to "5000000"... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> User "phone" (502.100) [0077] will be used... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Removing control "vboxctrl-suspend" (ttyI9)... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Removing control "vboxctrl-suspend" (global)... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Setting effective permissions to 502.100 [0077]... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Parsing "/var/spool/vbox/phone/vboxrc"... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Seeking to section "[CALLERID]"... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Searching callerid "0"... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Found - name is "*** Unknown ***". 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Seeking to section "[DEFAULT]"... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Parsing time(s) "*"... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Range **:**:** - **:**:** (06:45:40): match. 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Parsing day(s) "*"... 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Range *: match. 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Call will be answered after 6 ring(s). <<< Anruf soll nach 6 rings beantwortet werden auch ok 18-Apr 06:45:40 <D> Reading modem answer (6s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:45:42 <A> RING/5 #002 (*** Unknown ***)... 18-Apr 06:45:42 <D> Reading modem answer (6s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:45:47 <A> RING/5 #003 (*** Unknown ***)... 18-Apr 06:45:47 <D> Reading modem answer (6s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:45:51 <A> RING/5 #004 (*** Unknown ***)... 18-Apr 06:45:51 <D> Reading modem answer (6s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:45:56 <A> RING/5 #005 (*** Unknown ***)... 18-Apr 06:45:56 <D> Reading modem answer (6s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:00 <A> RING/5 #006 (*** Unknown ***)... <<< Ok 6 rings nun sollte es losgehen 18-Apr 06:46:00 <D> Reading modem answer (6s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Creating directory "/var/spool/vbox/phone"... 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Creating directory "/var/spool/vbox/phone/new"... 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Creating directory "/var/spool/vbox/phone/msg"... 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Creating directory "/var/spool/vbox/phone/tcl"... 18-Apr 06:46:05 <A> Answering call... 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Tcl variable "vbxv_savetime" set to "90". 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Tcl variable "vbxv_callerid" set to "0". 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Tcl variable "vbxv_callername" set to "*** Unknown ***". 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Tcl variable "vbxv_localphone" set to "5". 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Tcl variable "vbxv_username" set to "phone". 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Tcl variable "vbxv_userhome" set to "/var/spool/vbox/phone". 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Tcl variable "vbxv_usedscript" set to "raccess4vbox3.tcl". 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Tcl variable "vbxv_saveulaw" set to "/var/spool/vbox/phone/new/00987576365-00008185.ulaw". 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Tcl variable "vbxv_savevbox" set to "/var/spool/vbox/phone/new/00987576365-00008185.vbox". <<< ok alles soweit in ordnung nun soll der anruf entgegen genommen <<< werden dazu sendet vbox ATA nun kommt der fehler 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Flushing modem... 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Sending "ATA"... 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Reading modem echo (4s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:05 <D> Reading modem answer (4s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:09 <D> *** Timeout [14] *** 18-Apr 06:46:09 <W> Can't read from modem [0] (timeout). 18-Apr 06:46:09 <E> Can't read modem command result. 18-Apr 06:46:09 <D> Flushing modem (with timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:09 <E> Unable to answer call! <<< Tja leider kommt da irgendwie nix?!?!? k.a. warum. 18-Apr 06:46:09 <D> Hangup modem (drop dtr 400 ms)... 18-Apr 06:46:09 <D> Flushing modem (with timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Setting effective permissions to 0.0 [0022]... <<< ok nun solls neu initialisiert werden das 1. mal geht schief was aber <<< nichts weiter zu bedeuten hat nehme ich an 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Initializing modem... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Tcl variable "vbxv_init" set to "ATZ&B512". 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Tcl variable "vbxv_initnumber" set to "AT&E5". 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Running "/usr/bin/vbox/tcl/initmodem.tcl"... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Flushing modem... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Sending "ATZ&B512"... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Reading modem echo (4s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <E> Can't read modem command echo. 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Flushing modem (with timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: <NL> 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: N 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: O 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: C 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: A 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: R 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: R 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: I 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: E 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: R 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: <CR> 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: <NL> 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Junk: <CR> 18-Apr 06:46:10 <E> initmodem.tcl: modem returns error [line 25]! 18-Apr 06:46:10 <E> Can't initialize modem device! 18-Apr 06:46:10 <W> Bad initialization - Program will exist on 9 trys! 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Initializing modem... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Tcl variable "vbxv_init" set to "ATZ&B512". 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Tcl variable "vbxv_initnumber" set to "AT&E5". 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Running "/usr/bin/vbox/tcl/initmodem.tcl"... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Flushing modem... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Sending "ATZ&B512"... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Reading modem echo (4s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Reading modem answer (4s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Waiting for "OK"... Got it. 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Flushing modem... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Sending "AT&E5"... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Reading modem echo (4s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Reading modem answer (4s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Waiting for "OK"... Got it. 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Flushing modem... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Sending "AT+FCLASS=8"... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Reading modem echo (4s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Reading modem answer (4s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Waiting for "OK"... Got it. 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Flushing modem... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Sending "ATS13.2=1S13.4=1S13.6=0S13.7=1S23.0=1"... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Reading modem echo (4s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Reading modem answer (4s timeout)... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Waiting for "OK"... Got it. 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Tcl script returns without errors. 18-Apr 06:46:10 <D> Flushing modem... 18-Apr 06:46:10 <A> Waiting... <<< vbox wartet auf einen neuen anruf.
participants (1)