RE: [suse-isdn] Problem starting conection

Hi Wolfang, Ok, my problem is that I have a videoconferencing application who works over ISDN. My installation has two computers, the called and the caller. The called has two isdn cards and the caller 1. Then I set up the interfaces in both of them and phone from caller. Until now all right. But now, I start my application who starts sending a ping. This ping I can see in the tcpdumd -i ippp0 but I cannot see in the tcpdump -i ippp0 or ippp2 in called interfaces ( I have ippp0 - ippp1 and ippp2 - ippp3 ) The curios fact is when from other terminal in caller type ping (called address), and this ping goes throw without problems, and at that moment my application starts. I ask to the list because the application works fine over Ethernet. Thank you in advanced, Ramon I do the ISDN conection El lun, 25-03-2002 a las 22:50, Sebastian Wolfgarten escribió:
Hallo Ramon,
gerne wuerde ich Dir helfen, aber ich verstehe dein Problem nicht. Kannst Du Englisch? Do you speak english? I have not fully understood your problem...
Bye, Sebastian
-- ---------------------------------- Ramón Pons Systems Engineer Agora Systems, S.A. c/ Aravaca 12 E-28040 Madrid Spain tel: +34 915335857 fax: +34 915348477 ----------------------------------
participants (1)
Ramon Pons