I have tried installing SuSE 7.2 and SLES 7 and I get the exact same problem. This is on two different IBM Intellistation Itanium machines. The first CD installs, machine reboots, and then it prompts for the second CD. Upon entering the second CD I get an error - Could not mount source media. "mount: block device /dev/hda is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: you must specify filesystem type". If I CTRL-F2 I can manually mount the CD by specifing "-t iso9660" but the install only changes its error to - "cannot mount block device /dev/hda read-only" where before it read "you must specify filesystem type". If I change "auto" to "iso9660" in /etc/fstab I can mount the CD without a "-t" but, it still gives me this new error. Digging a little deeper I tried "mount -v /media/cdrom" and I note it never tries iso9660. It says it will try everything in /etc/filesystems and /proc/filesystems. So, I checked and iso9660 is in /proc/filesystems and I added it to /etc/filesystems with no luck. Any else seen this or have any ideas? Doug Smith IBM Websphere