[heroes] New PostgreSQL cluster is now in production

Hello, good news everyone! A long time task has finally been solved: We finally fully migrated to a new postgresql cluster running postgresql 11.1 and leap 15.0 (the old one was running postgresql 9 on sle11). We get many performance, security and bug fixes, the most important being a bug in autovacuum which resulted in consuming over 200GB of wasted disk space in each node. Another big improvement is the usage of a new replication manager software named https://repmgr.org/ which allowed us to make the failover procedure just one command! Kudos also to Marcus Rueckert and Lars Vogdt for their valuable initial work on repmgr and on solving various performance issues on the first migration tests. Theo, on behalf of the openSUSE Heroes team
participants (1)
Theo Chatzimichos