Re: openSUSE sponsoring Creative Freedom Summit by hosting in its Jitsi

Hi Marie, Unfortunately I don't have access to the Jitsi server. I know there is an option to stream to youtube in settings. But that would require a channel setup on youtube. I haven't seen a star live stream option. I'm including the heroes team and marco as they might be able to help. Tomorrow evening we have a meeting at 20:00 UTC. I'll see if there is something we can do if anyone here isn't able to help. v/r Doug On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 4:29 PM Marie Nordin <> wrote:
Hi Doug,
Checking in as we are going to test the live stream setup for the event platform today, we noticed that the Jitsi link you provided doesn't have a "Start live stream" option under the settings for the room. Can you enable that for the link you provided?
Thanks, Marie -- Creative Freedom Summit Organizers
On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 11:10 AM Marie Nordin <> wrote:
Hiya folks,
Happy New Year! With the holidays I forgot to send an email, but the openSUSE logo has been up on the Summit website for a while now:
We also have our program set for the event, with some really cool sessions planned:
We have social posts lined up to promote the event and schedule- if you're able to boost those, that would be great. We'll be posting from and We'd love it if you could make a post from your social accounts, if possible. Here's a sample post to use if that's easy: We're excited to sponsor and share an invitation to the Creative Freedom Summit, January 23rd-25th, a free virtual event hosted by the Fedora Design Team! Check out the schedule and more information on how to join: #creativefreedomsummit
Thanks again for all the support! Best, Marie -- Creative Freedom Organizers
On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 1:41 PM Marie Nordin <> wrote:
Hi Doug,
Thanks for the logos, I will get those up on the Summit website as soon as I have a chance and send over an email to let you know. Thanks for the links as well- we will do some tests in advance to make sure everything is working well. I will follow up if we run into any issues.
Hope you are enjoying your time off and getting some rest & relaxation in!
Thanks again, and best wishes, Marie -- Creative Freedom Summit Organizers
On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 4:49 AM Douglas DeMaio <> wrote:
Hi Marie, I've been taken some time off, so responses might be delayed a bit. Attached are the logos in white. Yes, can work. Right now everything is going on Going to will forward to the correct url for now.
With closed caption, it looks like some Jitsi instances have done that, but that depends on the build. Perhaps Onuralp can if this is an option that can be included in the next build. v/r Doug
On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 3:33 PM Marie Nordin <> wrote:
Hi Folks,
I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to reach out as we get closer to the Summit- checking in on three things:
- Please send the current openSUSE logo (all white version) so we can add it to our website - Please send a jitsi link for us to use for the event. If possible, using "/creative-freedom-summit-backstage" for the roomname - Any thoughts/progress on the possibility of adding closed captioning?
Thank you! Marie -- Creative Freedom Summit Organizers
On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 9:57 AM Marie Nordin <> wrote:
Hi folks,
Thanks so much for the interest in providing Jitsi hosting for the Creative Freedom Summit! We are excited to have openSUSE involved in this year's event :D
*A little background:* We used Jitsi's public instance last year to stream to PeerTube and Element simultaneously. It went okay for the most part, though we occasionally had drops where the stream ended and we had to restart. We guessed these drops came from the public Jitsi instance. Máirín Duffy wrote a blog post about how we set things up [0] if you'd like more details.
We also had requests last year for Closed Captioning to improve event accessibility. Not sure if this option is on the table. Onuralp messaged me about the openSUSE Jitsi for the Summit and I asked him if CC was possible- so I believe he is already looking into it, and I've added him onto this thread.
Please feel free to follow up with additional questions if needed!
*And last but not least:* We are running a CfP this year and would welcome you to circulate an invitation to the openSUSE community to submit proposals. You can read all the info on the CfP blog post [1], but here is a short summary for easy sharing:
*Creative Freedom Summit 2024: Call for Proposals Information*
The Fedora Design Team is excited to announce that there will be a second Creative Freedom Summit <>(January 23rd-25th, 2024)! If you're just hearing about the Summit, it is a virtual event focused on promoting the use of Creative Free Software (check out the recordings from last year on the Creative Freedom Summit PeerTube Channel <> ).
*We welcome you to submit your ideas by November 24th, 2023* via the Fedora Project CfP Platform <>(A Fedora Account is not required). We are looking for the following themes for sessions:
- Look at what I made with free & Open Source creative tools - here's how I made it - Here’s how to do this cool thing or use this feature in this free & Open Source tool - I work on this free & Open Source software - here are some new features, or we'd like your feedback - How we can improve our greater Open Source Design community
Submit your proposals via the Fedora Project CfP Platform <>. You can sign on using your GitHub, Gmail, *or* Fedora Account login credentials. *The deadline for proposals is November 24th, 2023.*
*What to submit?*
Generally the sessions will be in one of these formats: Session (25 minutes) Session (50 minutes)
We are currently open for proposals for the following topics: - Accessibility - Community - Craft/Skills - Demo - Features/Enhancements - Open Source UX/Design - Other
Thanks again and have a great weekend! Marie
[0] [1]
On Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 3:33 PM Neal Gompa <> wrote:
> Also adding alt Marie email due to sending errors... > > On Thu, Oct 19, 2023, 3:31 PM Neal Gompa <> > wrote: > >> I think we are good, but I've Cc'd him anyway. >> >> On Thu, Oct 19, 2023, 2:36 PM Douglas DeMaio < >>> wrote: >> >>> Hi Neal, >>> That sounds good to me. I'll bring it up in tonight's meeting just >>> as a point of discussion. Is there other aspects that need to be >>> considered? Should we also make sure that Justin Flory is aware of this? >>> v/r >>> Doug >>> ------------------------------ >>> *From:* Neal Gompa <> >>> *Sent:* Thursday, October 19, 2023 5:13 PM >>> *To:* Douglas DeMaio <> >>> *Cc:* Marie Nordin <>; openSUSE Board < >>>>; Georg Pfuetzenreuter < >>>> >>> *Subject:* openSUSE sponsoring Creative Freedom Summit by hosting >>> in its Jitsi >>> >>> Hey Doug, >>> >>> Marie Nordin and I talked several weeks back about openSUSE being >>> part >>> of the Creative Freedom Summit[1] by hosting it through our Jitsi >>> instance. I'd talked to the openSUSE Heroes about this during our >>> last >>> meeting and we were generally amenable to the idea. >>> >>> Thus, I wanted to bring it up with you to see if we want to >>> formalize >>> this so that we can have openSUSE listed as a sponsor by virtue of >>> hosting the video conferencing platform? >>> >>> Best regards, >>> >>> [1]: >>> >>> -- >>> Neal Gompa (ID: Pharaoh_Atem) >>> >>
participants (1)
Douglas DeMaio