On Fri, Mar 5, 2021 at 8:01 AM Andrii Nikitin <andrii.nikitin@suse.com> wrote:
Hi Neal,
Correct me if I am wrong - MirrorManager expects all mirrors have the same content, while MirrorBrain and MirrorCache tolerate divergents and are able to use from them whatever is available.
MirrorManager is *able* to tolerate divergence, but that leads to a much bigger database since you wind up tracking all the files independently. That is a noted point you mention in the MirrorCache vs MirrorBrain differences. Fedora's system is configured to track and invalidate based on the repomd.xml file, which makes it simple and relatively easy to determine whether a mirror is eligible. This is combined with the usage of metalinks by default so that the client can select multiple mirrors and use them for parallel downloads across different mirrors as needed, as well as automatic mirror failover.
Actually MirrorCache does support metalinks, just the core problem is that it doesn't have access to exact file sizes yet. You can try e.g. : curl -H 'Accept: */*, application/metalink+xml' -s https://mirrorcache-eu.opensuse.org/download/tumbleweed/repo/oss/x86_64/2048...
Hmm, but the https://mirrorcache.opensuse.org/download/tumbleweed/repo/oss/repodata/repom... URL does not work. -- 真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!