Hello, here are the minutes of today's meeting: LCP: done some test migrations for forums: worked better than expected bmwiedemann: download.o.o staging issues: we create a nice merged TW tree in /srv/ftp but everyone rsyncs from /srv/ftp-stage with only the new TW -> users getting 404 errors - maybe from files just deleted in the sync -> /srv/ftp has a merged tree including slightly older packages (deletion is delayed). Consider to direct mirrors to mirror that instead of ftp-stage. leap updates OTOH are not staged at all and cause spikes on downloadcontent caches Per reports on IRC that the steaks are ready providing https certificates for *.infra.o.o was broken, fixed yesterday. Note that it requires re-registering with crtmgr to get a new certificate. (Fixed on all hosts known to use a *.infra.o.o cert.) some internal DNS zones left in FreeIPA look unused, disabled now identification VM might have had working ipsilon theming support ; something in salt: apache alias ui, alias theme https:// gitlab.infra.opensuse.org/infra/salt/-/blob/ 5c843d1798fe74aa9278d9e66e574a08de0dda7e/salt/profile/identification/files/ sso.opensuse.org.conf https://gitlab.infra.opensuse.org/infra/salt/-/ blob/5c843d1798fe74aa9278d9e66e574a08de0dda7e/salt/profile/identification/ files/ipsilon.conf backup of old identification.i.o.o image is on backup.i.o.o:/backup/raw if needed code.o.o shows lots of debug output on "git push" - needs investigation code.o.o testhighstate shows differences (for example in the nginx config) - needs review and updating in salt Regards, Christian Boltz -- Bitte sende kein "postconf -n", so wie alles es tun. Das macht es nur unnötig einfach zu helfen. [Patrick Ben Koetter in postfixbuch-users]