Hello, Am Dienstag, 18. Juli 2017, 07:57:06 CEST schrieb Grover Chou:
Thank you for all your work.
I found some sidebar with some changes: 导航 -> <导航> (that is, Navigation -> <Navigation>)
This happened in many wikis: eg. Chinese wiki, Italian wiki, etc. But there also are many wikis that are not affected (en, jp, etc).
Do you have any way to change them?
It looks like someone wanted to be smart and applied some translation magic to the box header: <h2 class="box-header"> <?php $out = wfMessage( $bar ); if ($out) echo $out; else echo $bar;?> </h2> This also means the result differs depending if wfMessage() returns something or not. I changed the code to <h2 class="box-header"> <?php echo $bar; ?> </h2> This means the translation magic is gone. In the wikis I checked, it doesn't hurt (MediaWiki:Sidebar already contains the localized header), and if one of the wikis really relied on the translation magic, changing Mediawiki:Sidebar is easy. Technical note: I changed this on github and also locally in the wiki VM, but didn't update the mediawiki_1_27-openSUSE package yet. Regards, Christian Boltz -- Wer Angst vor dem weißen Papier hat, der benutze einfach Blätter im Format DIN A5 - das halbiert das negative Gefühl. (Auf DIN A9 geschrieben.) [Katharina Greve auf www.titanic-magazin.de] -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: heroes+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: heroes+owner@opensuse.org