Hi Sorry that I missed the meeting. I just forgot it... Here are my short notes (sorry, long day, just trying to make it short): * DNSSec is enabled for opensuse.org domain since last weekend. Meanwhile also the caches should be purged and all DNS servers should provide valid responses. Please check, if we missed something... * mirrordb2 is currently the one and only PostgreSQL DB. I am not 100% sure if this is really wanted, but... ...on the other side, it forced me to think about a backup of the databases. Currently there is a NFS mount (mirrordb2:/backup) from backup.infra.opensuse.org, allowing the postgresql-backupscript to dump a backup of each database (individually) every day around midnight. * The new (Hey, nearly...) widehat is ready and syncing. I just did neither find the time to prepare some more VMs (like MX, static, DB-Server, more?) nor to exchange it with the current one. Sorry for that. I hope to find some time during the next two weeks for this. As result, our old widehat aka rsync.opensuse.org will not be available for a day. * There is still some old stuff up and running, that we should shut down, if we follow our old policy (or should I better say: idea?): + users.o.o -> old ELGG instance + wiki.o.o -> old mediawiki instance + elections.o.o -> old helios instance Any objections? * We could simply upgrade Redmine (aka progress.o.o) to the latest version, if we would not use these old, self-backed plugins. Some of them might be obsolete already, some not used - but others? Anyway: there is progress-test.o.o - a new machine running the new Redmine on an old DB dump. Authentication does not work (yet), as we might simply switch to one of the supported authentication mechanisms (and get rid of another, old plugin). Anyone interested to drive this? * We plan to move more and more traffic to the MirrorCache instances during the next days, to test them under more load. For this, ~50% of the traffic on download.o.o will be redirected to the MirrorCache instance. This should be transparent for the users. For those interested: https://mirrorcache-eu.opensuse.org/ looks more and more like http://download.opensuse.org/ - but still needs some styling to be "openSUSE". * DNS management is meanwhile on chip: https://chip.infra.opensuse.org/ If you like to get access, please ping me. LDAP authentication works, but we need to put you in the right group in the WebUI, so you can edit DNS settings. Note 1: infra.opensuse.org is currently still on FreeIPA. Can be moved at any time. I'm just waiting for *your* go here. After that, everything DNS related is on chip. Note 2: `pdnutil edit-zone opensuse.org` on the command line might be much easier. Don't worry, if you get asked if you want to increase the serial number of the zone once you saved your changes. Please answer 'y', so the DNS servers get aware of your changes (they just compare the serial to know if something has changed). * There is a backup.infra.opensuse.org machine with 3T space, waiting to get filled by clients. Anyone who wants to suggest a good, open source, backup tool? * I like to build some redundancy of machines running in Nuermberg in Provo and at our CoLo, to survive outages better in the future. Anyone, who wants to join this "project business continuity"? With kind regards, Lars