Hi there, First I'd like to thank you Lars for all the time you contributed for the openSUSE project administering all those systems and for everything else. I know how heavy a cross can be to bear sometimes. I'd like to give a hand administering those systems too if I may. For a while now I've been nurturing a desire to redirect some of my time I contribute to openSUSE to help keep the infra running smoothly. Specially because, from what I've seen, we don't have many Heroes folks in this side of the world, here in the Americas. Although I must confess that I don't have much experience managing servers, I'd say have a quite solid knowledge of Linux and CLI. I'm sure that with some help (documentation, Duckduckgo and someone to point me the right path from time to time) we can make it work. Any thoughts are appreciated. I hope you all are well. With regards, Luciano On 8/4/22 17:39, Lars Vogdt wrote:
Hi there,
To make it short and clear: I decided to leave the openSUSE project.
Therefor the following openSUSE heroes machines are definitvely looking for a new maintainer:
* backup.infra.opensuse.org * freeipa.infra.opensuse.org * galera{1-3}.infra.opensuse.org (main Galera/MariaDB cluster) * gitlab-runner{1,2}.infra.opensuse.org (gitlab-runner) * kali.infra.opensuse.org (openVAS) * limesurvey.infra.opensuse.org (survey.o.o) * login3.infra.opensuse.org (the 'daffy' machine in Provo) * matomo.infra.opensuse.org (Matomo) * mirrordb{1-3}.infra.opensuse.org (PostgreSQL cluster) * monitor.infra.opensuse.org (Monitoring) * moodle.infra.opensuse.org (already shut down, but volunteers welcome) * mybackup.infra.opensuse.org (MariaDB backup machine) * nala2.infra.opensuse.org (2nd PostgreSQL slave in Provo) * nue-ns{1,2}.infra.opensuse.org (official DNS servers in NUE) * olaf.infra.opensuse.org (MirrorBrain scanner) * os-rt.infra.opensuse.org (RT Ticket Test-System - off already) * provo-galera{1-2}.infra.opensuse.org (to-be-done 2nd Galera cluster in Provo) * provo-gate.infra.opensuse.org (Provo Wireguard & Gateway) * provo-ns.infra.opensuse.org (official DNS server in Provo) * ipx-ns1.infra.opensuse.org (official DNS server at IPX in NUE) * ipx-proxy1.infra.opensuse.org * -*- maybe more?
Other machines, where I'm not sure if someone else keeps an eye on them: * slimhat.infra.opensuse.org * stonehat.infra.opensuse.org * -*- (often enough, I don't know if someone else cares)
Note: I will still maintain OBS and my personal packages in OBS (while I'm not really sure if I will find the time to look after packages in openSUSE:infrastructure - volunteers welcome).
Regards, Lars