Lars Vogdt wrote:
Therefor the following openSUSE heroes machines are definitvely looking for a new maintainer:
* nue-ns{1,2} (official DNS servers in NUE)
I'll be happy to look after those.
* (MirrorBrain scanner)
Isn't mirrorcache taking that over?
* (official DNS server in Provo) * (official DNS server at IPX in NUE)
I'll be happy to look after those too.
Other machines, where I'm not sure if someone else keeps an eye on them: * * * -*- (often enough, I don't know if someone else cares)
widehat too I guess. Again, I'll be happy to look after those. In fact, I'm happy to step in whereever it is needed, but I also want to leave "opportunities" for others. -- Per Jessen, Zürich (30.8°C) Member, openSUSE Heroes