Am Tue, 4 Jul 2017 14:26:01 +0200 schrieb Ludwig Nussel <>:
Could you provide a list of services or DNS names for us?
Well, anything that would give a bad impression to people trying to get 42.3. You know better how the infrastructure is connected and which hosts you intend to touch. Off the bat I'd say things like obs, wiki, landing page, software.o.o, doc, countdown, download, beans, shop etc but also bugzilla shouldn't break.
ok, that sounds to me like either we get everything done until July 26th - or we need to wait for the Christmas time (at least for me, as September and October are already full). => 3 weeks left to go (not that I want to put some pressure on anybody, this is just a fact) Regards, Lars -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: