Hello, here are the minutes of today's meeting: 2024-10-03 heroes meeting Participants: Bernhard, Christian, Emma, Georg, Knurpht status reports: - schedule for automatic updates changed to prevent overlaps in a cluster + health check added - zypper on Tumbleweed removes packages during automatic update if download server has issues during repo-refresh => https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/167362 => https://github.com/openSUSE/os-update/pull/21 - UEFI based VMs did not boot after update, solved by switching to SUSE branded EFI firmware, works for all VMs except for download.i.o.o => https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/167404 - ssh authorized_keys for root are now salt-managed, lots of historical keys removed - Matrix Draupnir bot hosted at openSUSE now => to switch over - status.o.o sometimes forgets update events - a debug VM of mailman would be good to analyze issues such as https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/166466 better - code.o.o git push broken => https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/165710 Regards, Christian Boltz -- [Im Bugtracker nachsehen] Da weiss man gleich, ob die Software einen Bug hat, oder man selbst... [Franz Alt in suse-linux]