Lars Vogdt wrote:
Hi Per
Sad not to have you in Nuremberg, but I think/hope we will do such meetings on a regular base in future. (Something we should discuss during the meeting - my proposal would be a quarterly based meeting in the beginning and see how much we need later.)
Nuernberg is about 5 hours drive away, 6 hours by train, that's manageable.
Setting it up would be fairly straight forward, I've done it more than once, and lists could be slowly migrated for testing and customizing.
The main point is IMHO the transparency for the users: * Mailing list archives should be at the same location (and searchable) - but as we use Mhonarc in the backend already, I do not see a reason why this should not be possible * Mailing list management (the foo+subscribe@opensuse.org etc) might become interesting, as mailman handles (un)subscriptions a bit different. At least for an announced period of time, I would recommend to support the "old mlmmj format" as well.
Absolutely, I would hope/aim for virtually zero impact on the user. The list management addresses should not be a problem; mlmmj uses '+' as a separator, mailman uses '-', but it's not hardcoded, it can be changed with the aliases. I would probably want to go with the mailman default, and retain support for the mlmmj format by aliasing.
If you know mailman, the advantages are obvious, but I'm putting it up for discussion in case there is some (unknown to me) reason why we are using mlmmj.
One really significant advantage of mailman over mlmmj is that other people use it too. The mlmmj user community is kind of small.
Questions: * are you speaking about the new Mailman 3 version - or the old fashioned, soon to be obsoleted, version 2? (I know that 2.1.23 is considered stable at the moment, and I know the "history" of mailman 3 very well - but I would recommend the 3x version to a) show how future driven openSUSE is and b) to avoid one migration step in the near future)
I was thinking mm2 (which I know very well), but I agree it would be nice to go for mm3. It would also mean more work though - running/ hosting django on the webserver for instance.
* Setting up a VM for you for testing the new setup should not be a big deal. Should we already setup a new machine for you ? Requirements?
I have not looked at it in any detail, but my first thought was to just run mlmmj and mailman2 in parallel on baloo. That way a single list can easily be diverted to mailman for testing. We'll also have to consider the integration of the web-pages - http://lists.opensuse.org would become more than an archive. Gruss Per -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: heroes+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: heroes+owner@opensuse.org