22 Dec
22 Dec
Am 22. Dezember 2022 20:13:28 MEZ schrieb "Carlos E. R." <carlos.e.r@opensuse.org>:
"using something a bit more modern than Majordomo for list management,"
I don't know what is that new software. The pages there mention "Sphinx 1.2.3 & Alabaster"; the former is a Python Documentation Generation, so that's not it; Alabaster is a theme for the same.
There is some mention of "public-inbox"
That is their full stack right now, they are using sphinx (yes, the documentation software) for listing the mailing lists, and https://public-inbox.org/README.html which does indeed require some form of index, the trial instance public-inbox lists on their page otherwise just uses apache auto index feature. LCP [Jake] https://lcp.world/