On 09/12/2020 11.11, Per Jessen wrote:
Stasiek Michalski wrote:
Am Di, 8. Dez, 2020 um 10:04 P. M. schrieb Carlos E. R. <carlos.e.r@opensuse.org>:
Mailman people now want you admins to provide them with logs and data. I don't have access to those.
I would ask you that you reproduce the bug so I can capture those logs
I reproduced it this morning, around 09:50. I am not sure which logs to look at though. I have updated Carlos' ticket.
I was trying to reproduce the issue, when I found out that my second subscription to this mail list was gone. Only my o.o alias was there. I have just subscribed again. However, when I look under the "list based preferences tab", I have o.o alias delivery enabled, delivery mode regular. telefonica delivery ( ), delivery mode regular. The radio buttons for telefonica account delivery are empty. Then I look under "address based preferences" and all buttons show empty for my three addresses. I try change settings on telefonica: Address telefonica Delivery status enabled Delivery mode regular Receive own postings yes Acknowledge posts no Hide address no Receive list copies (possible duplicates) yes Preferred language English USA. Save at 11:36 UTC. No error message. Now to the list based preferences tab. No change. I set delivery to disabled on telefonica account. Save at 11.37 UTC Got error: Invalid Parameter "delivery_status": Accepted Values are: enabled, by_user, by_bounces, by_moderator, unknown. Changes were not accepted. I now look under the Subscriptions tab: list subs. addr del. mode role heroes oo alias regular member heroes telefoni none member heroes telefoni none nonmember Do you want all this email in the ticket? -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.1 x86_64 at Telcontar)