Christian Boltz wrote:
the next heroes meeting will be on Tuesday (2022-02-01) at 19:00 UTC / 20:00 CET in
So far, the meeting ticket lists the usual topics. Feel free to add topics and/or status reports - or just bring them up in the meeting.
I might be able to participate tonight, I'm not sure if my son's orchestra practice has been cancelled due to Corona. Just in case, here is what I've been up to: * poo#104328 - I had expected this to just slowly go away, but it hasn't. I've written a small fail2ban-style log-processor. I will probably need some help getting SuSEfirewall2 configured. * poo#104974 - fixed mailman logrotation, still needs salting * poo#104899 - been groping in the dark, I really have no idea why postorious is so sloooooooow. * poo#104712 - mix of ipv4/ipv6 addresses in the weblogs. (even 2001:db8 addresses ...) * saltifying mx12 - we're 99% done. Lars got us set up with automatic certificate updates (thanks!), so we can add that too. Next step is really the big one, high-state on mx2. Otherwise, only the usual stuff, some list and mirror management. -- Per Jessen, Zürich (1.5°C) Member, openSUSE Heroes