Hi Christian, At this moment, I feel Chameleon is considered stable. Here might be some new styles to add but won't likely break old stuff. We can avoid version prefix if we never change file names in dist folder. Regards, -- Guo Yunhe / @guoyunhe / guoyunhe.me 2018年11月6日 下午10:08 by opensuse@cboltz.de:
Am Montag, 15. Oktober 2018, 22:37:24 CET schrieb Guo Yunhe:
The repository is opensuse-theme-chameleon. git pull daily is enough.
I just added semantic versions and published it to npm. Actually it is already in CDN >> https://unpkg.com <https://unpkg.com/>>> <>> https://unpkg.com/# <https://unpkg.com/#/>>> > which automatically serve all node packages with version prefix. It is an alternative with a little advantage: URLs are prefixed with version number. So if I made some mistake in commits of chameleon theme, it won't break all sites, because they use a fixed, stable version. I hope we can also get a version prefixed directory. Like:
https://static.opensuse.org/chameleon/v1.0.3/dist/css/chameleon.css <https://static.opensuse.org/chameleon/v1.0.3/dist/css/chameleon.css>
We just discussed this in the heroes meeting. Hosting chameleon on static.o.o is a good idea, but are not sure if using the version number makes sense.
The reason for not liking the version number is: whenever you publish a new chameleon version, you'll have to adjust several sites (wiki etc.) with the new version number. I'm afraid that this will lead to staying with old versions and missing bugfixes etc.
I also know that always serving the latest version comes with the risk of breaking something - but IMHO chameleon is (mostly?) finished, and therefore the risk is very small.
If you _really_ want versioned directories, we'll do them (hey, changing version numbers everywhere will mostly be your job ;-) - but I'd recommend to have one unversioned directory.
So - do you really want to have versioned directories?
Christian Boltz -- "If you are using an Macintosh e-mail program that is not from Microsoft, we recommend checking with that particular company. But most likely other e-mail programs like Eudora are not designed to enable virus replication" [> http://www.microsoft.com/mac/products/office/2001/virus_alert.asp] <http://www.microsoft.com/mac/products/office/2001/virus_alert.asp]>
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