Am Sun, 19 Dec 2021 00:05:31 +0100 schrieb Christian Boltz <>:
I also found some more cleanup candidates - this time, I propose to disable the build for everything newer than 15.3 (which technically means "disable build by default, and only enable it for the currently enabled repos").
Please leave Tumbleweed enabled per default: This allows to easily see breaking changes in Tumbleweed, which is the Leap-ng. I know that people don't like to update their systems (mailman3, anyone? ;-) - but this does not help, as we are enforced to stay on a maintained system. So - as soon as the next Leap (15.4) get's stable, we will migrate our systems. As I don't like to do the migration all at once, I would love to see in front, if a package fails during development - means: if a package fails in Tumbleweed. => Default enabled repos: * Tumbleweed * Leap-ng (as soon, as it exists) * Leap-current (15.3 atm) * Leap-maintained (15.2 until end of this year) => Rest only on demand. We could disable Leap-maintained as well, but I know that this will be too much work for some admins.
Packages that are exactly the same in openSUSE:infrastructure and Leap 15.3 according to "osc rdiff": - check_postgres - monitoring-plugins-bind9 - monitoring-plugins-count_file - monitoring-plugins-haproxy - monitoring-plugins-keepalived - monitoring-plugins-sar-perf
Hey, cool. This means that most of "my" packages ended in Leap :-) But if you disable/remove them, please keep in mind that you have to do a "migration" ("zypper dup" or an explicit "zypper install *")of these packages on the affected systems. Otherwise these packages will never see any update.
Packages with only minor differences between openSUSE:infrastructure and Leap 15.3: - nrpe (only diff is "/bin/bash" -> "/{usr/,}bin/bash" in the AppArmor profile - not relevant for Leap 15.x)
Fine with me to delete this as well.
I'll adjust the build targets of these packages in a week in nobody objects.
I'd say: salt might be our friend here, to get the local packages migrated to their Leap versions. Regards, Lars