Hi Christian, I forwarded the email exchange I had with MF to you off list. If anyone else is interested/can help me fix this issue I'm happy to share it here as well. Cheers, Chris On Apr-09-19, Christian Boltz wrote:
Am Sonntag, 7. April 2019, 15:34:16 CEST schrieb Chris Coutinho:
I'm running into a strange problem trying to log into bugzilla. I changed the email address associated with my account (maintained by microfocus), but now I can't log onto bugzilla because an ID number is associated with my old email. The OBS site and opensuse wiki both work correctly using the new email, but attempting to log into bugzilla results in an internal server error:
Nice[tm] :-/
An unexpected error occurred. This could be a temporary problem, or some code is behaving incorrectly. If this problem persists, please email this page to novbugzilla-dev@forge.provo.novell.com with details of what you were doing at the time this message appeared.
URL: https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/index.cgi?GoAheadAndLogIn=3D1 The external ID '91361562879273' already exists in the database for <new-email>, but your account source says that <old-email> has that ID.
I sent an email to the mentioned email address above a few months ago and never heard back. I tried contacting microfocus support to try to fix this problem, and this is the response I got:
You won't be able to access bugzilla.opensuse.org as this website is only intended for suse engineers.
Since when is bugzilla only for suse engineers? I think the support staff is mistaken. Is there someone on this list that can point me in the right direction?
This looks like another item for the of "fun with MF-IT" list :-(
Of course bugzilla is not limited to SUSE engineers - everybody can report bugs there and even be assignee, work on the bugs etc.
Can you please forward the answer from MicroFocus support to me (off- list)? I'd *love* to answer it ;-) (If you prefer to answer yourself, please CC me.)
Christian Boltz -- openSUSE Security Team, that can help, seems to be busy doing what they suppose to do, instead of entertaining someone with insatiable appetite for original solutions that often clash with openSUSE defaults. [Rajko in opensuse-factory]