Hi Per, @ll I'm sorry, but some private stuff is blocking me attending the meeting. I've anyway not much to say: just working on tickets and the usual maintenance stuff during the last days. Am Tue, 02 Mar 2021 14:37:38 +0100 schrieb Per Jessen <per@opensuse.org>:
* I tried getting the indexing to work on mailman3, Lars allocated some more memory which meant the process ran a lot longer - until it ran out of disk space. When someone has a moment, /dev/vdb on mailman3 could probably do with twice as much space. progress.o.o #88903
Space problem should be solved meanwhile.
* to amuse myself, I have added some caching (Expires: header) on forum.o.o, to see if caching the most requested static objects would reduce the traffic. Sofar not much effect, not sure why.
Did you add it on the server itself or also on the haproxy side? I'm not 100% sure, but IMHO haproxy is configured to remove/re-add some headers... Regards, Lars