One of my LONG dormant hobbies is ham radio. Well, I'm finally thinking about becoming a bit more active. One problem is that I only have a Novice, does that tell you how long I've been dormant, license. To say that my code skills are rusty would be a BIG understatement. Kind of like saying the Titanic got scratched by an ice cube. Anyway, I got to wondering if there was anything like a practice program for Linux. I know there are a few for windows, but................................ [ I haven't had my windows machine on for a couple months now ] Maybe I'm not putting it in right, but Google doesn't seem to find anything of use. Sometimes if you don't ask the right question you don't get the right answer. -- (o:]>*HUGGLES*<[:o) Billie Walsh KA5LSU The three best words in the English Language: "I LOVE YOU" Pass then on!

Hi Billie, On Monday 16 January 2006 02:41, Billie Erin Walsh wrote:
Anyway, I got to wondering if there was anything like a practice program for Linux. I know there are a few for windows, but................................ [ I haven't had my windows machine on for a couple months now ]
Please search for the package unixcw which came with some SUSE versions including 8.1 and 9.1 but not 9.2. However if you install the package from an older version it should work anyway. The program you need is called cwcp and it will only work on one of the text consoles (CTRL-ALT-F1 ... CTRL-ALT-F6). Regards, Nils -- Don't Panic

G'day Billie have you tried Googling for linux morse code and/or had a look at http://radio.linux.org.au/?sectpat=morse&ordpat=title 73 Martin VK7MM/HB9TQX On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 19:41:51 -0600 Billie Erin Walsh <bilwalsh@swbell.net> wrote:
One of my LONG dormant hobbies is ham radio. Well, I'm finally thinking about becoming a bit more active. One problem is that I only have a Novice, does that tell you how long I've been dormant, license. To say that my code skills are rusty would be a BIG understatement. Kind of like saying the Titanic got scratched by an ice cube.
Anyway, I got to wondering if there was anything like a practice program for Linux. I know there are a few for windows, but................................ [ I haven't had my windows machine on for a couple months now ] Maybe I'm not putting it in right, but Google doesn't seem to find anything of use. Sometimes if you don't ask the right question you don't get the right answer.
(o:]>*HUGGLES*<[:o) Billie Walsh KA5LSU The three best words in the English Language: "I LOVE YOU" Pass then on!
-- To unsubscribe, e-mail: suse-ham-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands, e-mail: suse-ham-e-help@suse.com
-- Martin Fox, system operator Email: sysop@iteco.ch ITECO Engineering Limited LPIC-1; registered as #324626 with the Linux counter www.counter.li.org This mail was sent through the ITECO AG SuSE Linux Mail Server 8:23am up 237 days, 23:43, 1 user, load average: 0.01, 0.36, 0.43

G'day Billie
have you tried Googling for linux morse code and/or had a look at
Or google has a linux set google.com/linux and searching morse OR cw suse finds Web Results 1 - 10 of about 38,800 for morse OR cw suse. Suse has a Morse tutor or Multimon that decodes a variety of digital transmission modes There is the old BSD games set for Linux with $NetBSD: morse.c,v 1.10 2000/07/03 /usr/games> morse radio dit daw dit, dit daw, daw dit dit, dit dit, daw daw daw, and cw version 1.1, Copyright (C) 1998 Simon Baldwin with cwgen for random group generation and cwcp - curses-based Morse tutor program Try http://www.dxzone.com/cgi-bin/dir/search.cgi?query=linux And good old Debian suggests leads and can be installed into SuSE. See lists at http://packages.debian.org/stable/hamradio/ and http://packages.debian.org/unstable/hamradio/
73 Martin VK7MM/HB9TQX
On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 19:41:51 -0600 Billie Erin Walsh <bilwalsh@swbell.net> wrote:
One of my LONG dormant hobbies is ham radio. Well, I'm finally thinking about becoming a bit more active. One problem is that I only have a Novice, does that tell you how long I've been dormant, license. To say that my code skills are rusty would be a BIG understatement. Kind of like saying the Titanic got scratched by an ice cube.
Anyway, I got to wondering if there was anything like a practice program for Linux. I know there are a few for windows,
participants (4)
Billie Erin Walsh
Daniel Say
Martin Fox
Nils Kassube