New twlog and twHamQTH versions

Hi, There are new versions of twHamQTH and twlog. twHamQTH is a callsign lookup program. This version downloads all (about 40) data fields available from Thanks to Petr, OK2CQR, for his very fast XML download service. Another new feature of twHamQTH is an eQSL Authenticity Guaranteed check. When you lookup a call, it will tell you if the station is "AG" or not. twHamQTH now has an "Export" button that makes all of the downloaded data fields available to any other program, so they can use the data. The new version of twlog can automatically send an eQSL to the worked station when you save the QSO. You can choose if you want to send an eQSL or not, or turn the feature off. Twlog can also uses the data from twHamQTH. When twHamQTH "Exports" it's data, twlog will automatically fill in twlog's Call box, and put the QTH and Name in it's Notes box. See my web page below for more. Enjoy! -- 73 Ted W - wa0eir There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who don't. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:
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T + J Williams