New member, help me a little, easy questions

Hi all out there ! Here you find a new member to the list. Some initial questions for a new subscriber of this list: 0. At which URL-address can we READ messages to suse-ham-e in a HTML format (Until now I have only seen them by asking suse-ham-e to mail them back using etc) 1. Are anyone start using their APRS gear on Suse 7.1 (kernel 2.2.18 or kernel 2.4) ? 2. Do you know why the suse-ham-e list at has no archive pointer yet although the is active ? Please let me know. We have common interest to communicate. My gears: IC-706 KAM TNC Self-made Baycom(s) TM-D700 (VHF/UHF TNC/APRS TRCV) Suse 7.1 Professional (with Linux kernel 2.2.18 or kernel 2.4) Best regards, LA7XQ --- Steinar (Email:

Hej Steinar, On Wed, Apr 04, Steinar Wenaas - Sun Norway wrote:
Here you find a new member to the list.
Some initial questions for a new subscriber of this list:
0. At which URL-address can we READ messages to suse-ham-e in a HTML format (Until now I have only seen them by asking suse-ham-e to mail them back using etc)
you've probably read about our troubles in the US subsidiary of SuSE. Some of the stuff had been layed off unfortunetaly. The remaining admin has recently set up the archives newly. I don't know wether it is already reachable from outside of the SuSE net but the archives will be found at .
1. Are anyone start using their APRS gear on Suse 7.1 (kernel 2.2.18 or kernel 2.4) ?
Yes, we are running an aprsd here: ka@Abel:~ > cat /etc/SuSE-release SuSE Linux 7.1 (i386) VERSION = 7.1 ka@Abel:~ > rpm -q aprsd aprsd-2.1.4-12
2. Do you know why the suse-ham-e list at has no archive pointer yet although the is active ?
See above, it will appear soon.
Please let me know. We have common interest to communicate. My gears: IC-706 KAM TNC Self-made Baycom(s) TM-D700 (VHF/UHF TNC/APRS TRCV) Suse 7.1 Professional (with Linux kernel 2.2.18 or kernel 2.4)
Regards, Kai -- Kai Altenfelder, SuSE GmbH, Schanzaeckerstr. 10, D-90443 Nuernberg Tel.: +49-911-74053-0, Fax: +49-911-74053-489, EMail: Ham: DL3LBA / DK0TUX / DN1TUX PGP public key available
participants (2)
Kai Altenfelder
Steinar Wenaas - Sun Norway