AW: Re: [suse-ham-e] wild cards in symbolic links

Hi Richard, why you don't use my version of gpredict? You can find it on the (unofficial) suse-ham repository... ( There you will find binaries and sources for SUSE 10.1... If you have an older version of SuSE, it would be possible to take the SRPMS and rebuild it. 73 de Tim, DG7GT
Thanks for all the replies the entry was already in /etc/, so its missing something else :(
73 Richard
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On Mon, 2006-07-31 at 11:08 +0200, wrote:
Hi Richard, why you don't use my version of gpredict? You can find it on the (unofficial) suse-ham repository... ( There you will find binaries and sources for SUSE 10.1... If you have an older version of SuSE, it would be possible to take the SRPMS and rebuild it.
73 de Tim, DG7GT Hi Tim I looked on then suse ham repository and didn't find it, but I did find it on the extended repository, and it installed OK. I've just moved over from Mandriva to Suse so its a steep uphill learning curve. Thanks Richard g8jvm
participants (2)
Richard Bown