Hi Bill, Well, the TNC's on the diode matrix are running a netrom compatible firmware called TheNet+. What I need is a way to make LinuxNode create a netrom pipe to the diode stacked TNC's. That way I only require one serial port on the linux computer, and if the linux computer goes away for any reason, the stack of TheNet+ TNC's will continue operating standalone, thus preventing any network outages... The only thing that will be gone is the TCPIP and AX25 services on the linux box. The rest of the network will still be intact... JNOS and TNOS allow a netrom-serial, or NRS port configuration. I am surprised that this has not also been done on LinuxNode.... I suppose I could turn those TNC's into kiss-TNC's and do away with the diode matrix, but then we will be hassling with multi-port serial boards, which its own can of worms. I'd rather avoid that if I could. Thanks for your message. I appreciate the response. If I come up with something on this, I'll make sure to share it with the list. 73, Gary, W7NTF ----
On Sun, 25 Apr 2004, Bill Shell - N6WS wrote:
Hi Gary, I'm not familiar with connection to the diode matrix, but are you just trying to allow connections from TNC to TNC, from the PC to either TNC, and with TNC to the PC? If you have two serial ports on the Linux box, you can allow any of the following using the PC as the switch between the kiss mode TNCs: from - to TNC1 - TNC1 TNC2 - TNC2 TNC1 - TNC2 TNC1 - PC TNC2 - TNC1 TNC2 - PC PC - TNC1 PC - TNC2 I'm not sure that was much help to you, if you want to keep the diode matrix or only have one serial port. 73, Bill N6WS
-----Original Message----- From: root [mailto:root@w7ntf.dhs.org] Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 4:57 PM To: suse-ham-e@suse.com Subject: [suse-ham-e] Netrom-Serial Configuration?
I wish to connect a SuSe linux computer, complete with the AX25 ham radio stuff properly configured and working, to a stack of standalone TheNet+ TNC's. The TNC's are connected together via a diode matrix. In some of the NOS releases, it is possible to configure a port to connect the a "netrom-serial" port to allow use of only one serial port in the machine, to connect to an unused port on the diode matrix. Is that possible with LinuxNode? If so, does anyone have the configuration? I am setting up a SuSE Linux ham radio computer for my local club and they use a stack of TheNet+ nodes on a diode matrix. It would be extremely handy to only have to utilize one serial port on the linux box to reach the various radio ports via the diode matrix. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
Gary, W7NTF
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