GD OM, Your email says it is from root@w7ntf etc. Do you really run as root as a matter of course? On the other hand, I don't know how long you've been working with a *nix system. Generally one wouldn't run as root - after the first rm -fR /* you'll discover why (please other readers DON'T try this, it forces a total destruct). Of course, if you are experienced, please forgive the intrusion and other users, if you're not that experienced, take heed. Thanks for the information you give about SUSE 9.1 - I haven't tried setting up with 9.1 since my old ham-box runs SuSE 8.2 OK. I do use 9.1 for my LTSP servers at home and work and as Samba servers/LTSp servers on customer installations. Can I suggest that you get the nod source code off the distribution and try recompiling it? Gentoo users seem to experience very few ham software problems and I suspect the compilation has something to do with this. -- 73 es gd lk. Derek M0LSN
This is a followup to my last, reference LOCKUPS IN SUSE 9.1. I was thinking about my LinuxNode configuration. I have gone into runlevel editor and have pointed incoming telnet connections to /usr/sbin/node. This seems to be working as-is. I did not change anything else in the telnet configuration. I am wondering if there are things in that configuration that I should change, things that if not changed, may be causing LinuxNode to lock up? This is a devistating problem because the computer requires power off and reboot in order to get it operational again. I am hoping that someone will recognize the symptoms of this problem and will be able to get me pointed in the right direction. Thanks for your time.
Gary, W7NTF