Dear my friends, I have a problem with my KDE2 about my keyboard layout. The problem began after I updated my SuSE 7.2 to 7.3 and since I run personalization menu. My keyboard layout is now wrong. Lookslike that I chosed a wrong option corresponding to my keyboard layout for KDE2 while I was running personalization menu. If I am not in KDE2 (user level 2 and 3), my keyboard layout is right.... I can type every character correctly in line mode (user level 2 and 3) as any account including root account, in KDM graphical login window my keyboard is also right.... and If I login with another account except "root" there is nothing wrong woth my keyboard. So my keyboard layout only wrong if I am in KDE2 (userlevel 5) and If I login as root. It should be germany keyboard layout but I can not type "umlaut" leter if I am as the root and in KDE2. I tried to correct my keyboard layout with KDE center and of course as a root, but it didn't succeed it. Anybody so generous to help me, telling me how I can repair my keybord layout in KDE2 for root account ? Please..... I am still an idiot for Linux. NB (NamBah) : buat temen-temen di kpli... mohon maaf sebelumnya yach... kalo daku nanyainnya pake boso bule... abis... biar sekalian bisa nanya sama rekan-rekan di milis lain.... Sirahku wis cekot-cekot... ngoprek linux nggak kelar-kelar.... pusing.... Jangan segan membantu yach... Budi baek akan dikenang selalu loch.... TIA jekk............ __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.