and soon: After about a month of testing KPSK v1.0rc1, v1.0 final has been released. Source archives are available at the addresses above. KPSK is a psk31 application for the KDE desktop. Features include: -Simple, feature-filled user interface -DCD "S-meter" for signal quality determination -Grayscale waterfall option for finding/working weak signals -Simultaneous monitoring of up to four PSK31 signals -User-configurable waterfall colors, fonts, window backgrounds. -Auto-scaling waterfall -Optimization to provide IMD data only when the measurement is valid -Twelve user-defined fixedtexts (TX macros), available by mouse or F1-F12 keys -Integral BerkeleyDB-based QSO logbook -BPSK or QPSK operation -Automatic and manual modes for calling CQ -Ability to send an ASCII text file -Extensive application documentation KPSK was developed by Luc Langehergemann (LX2GT), David Kjellquist (WB5NHL), and Ernest Stracener (KG9NI) with contributions from many others along the way.