Hello again Kai Thanks fine answer. Kai Altenfelder wrote:
Hej Göran,
On Tue, Feb 27, Göran Blumenthal wrote:
Comments follows:
But why are there so little programmers that code applications for Linux? I strongly believe that we as hams do have the expertise to do so but many of us are not willing to invest time or ressources into their hobby. All they want is to consume, to buy ready-to-run solutions and plug & play hardware. There seems to be no strong wish for experiments (and learning!) any more. That is what I find really sad.
Yes - You are right, sorry to say. But I still belive that when hams comes to the point, where they wish function instead of flashy screens, they will find LINUX good. More and more hams like to set up unantended communication-systems, such as digipeaters, remoutly transmittersaites etz, and in thoose aplications LINUX is outstanding. We will put LINUX in our clubs computer, because we will share data between different applications as voiceBox, packet BBS, APRS e.t.z, AND also do e LAN between members and the cluvlocation ( a 68 meter high tower!) Regards Göran SM5HIH If answeringon this message, please make a copy to suse-ham-e@suse.com