Guess I will have to make my own cable. No way will I permit a poorly designed cable from Sharp to force me to abandon my serial port and sacrifice my cf port to replace it! Might it be possible to shave some excess rubber off the Sharp cable to create room for the keyboard to open? Anyone aware of a source of the connector? Or it is proprietary? 73, doc kd4e
Problem is that the Sharp serial cable for the SL5500 covers the whole bottom end of the Z so you can't open it to use the keyboard. I agree completely that I would rather have the memory, but if you are going to use the Z as a terminal for the 817 or a serial connected GPS, and you want to be able to use the built-in keyboard, either a new serial cable has to be made or an alternative must be used. Otherwise I might as well use my old Palm III.
-- Best regards, Lee mailto:leemag@citcom.net