I'm new to Linux. I would like to install a logging program for Linux. I found TLF here: http://home.iae.nl/users/reinc/tlfdoc.html Instructions say: * Unzip the tarball (e.g. gunzip tlf-0.7.4.tar.gz). * Untar the archive (e.g. tar xvf tlf-0.7.4.tar) * cd into the top directory (cd tlf-0.7.4) * type ./configure (if you want to use hamlib, type ./configure --enable-hamlib, install hamlib first...) * type make * type make install When I type 'make' I get an error. I tried to learn more about make with 'man make' but no entries were in the manual. I'm thinking SuSE doesn't use a make command? Would probably be easier with an rpm file, but its not. Does anyone know of a good logger with an rpm available? Not only would I like to have a logging program on Linux, but I would also like to learn how to install software. Can anyone help? Thanks! Mark