Hi all. I noticed and realized that the Control Center contains double items in System module. 1) The first is Add/remove software - gnome-packagekit-application, which is package manager for Gnome and the second is Install/remove software - YaST software manager. After overall review i can't see any benefit of package manager for Gnome-gpk-application. So my question is, why do we have double software/package manager in the system? 2) Detto for Software Sources. Do we need this item in Control Center, forasmuch as we can manage repositories in YaST-Software repositories, or in YaST-Software manager? 3) And the last items are Software update/Software updates. In the first we can only install updates and the second is used for update settings. Is it possible to merge these items in one? KDE users have Kupdatepplet, which allows update and change software update preferences. They need not use two different application, one for updates and one for update settings. 4) Next things are Menu Bar (a custom menu bar) and Traditional Gnome Main Menu. Honestly, these menus are big mess in openSUSE. I'm trying Ubuntu nowadays, an i have to say that Ubuntu's Menu Bar is clean, without double items. E.g. openSUSE's Menu Bar: Click on Applications -> System -> Configuration and you can see a batch/mixture of hardware, personal or system items. The same items are available also in System -> Hardware, Personal or System. Or, take a look in Applications -> Utilities -> Desktop and the same is in System -> Look and feel. For clarify what i mean, you can see it on screenshots in attachment. -- S pozdravom / Best regards, Rasto