Vincent, I wasn't subscribed into this list, my bad. Regarding Cinnamon I've pushed it to Factory and there's some fuss around it and nvidia drivers between .280 and .295 (Cinnamon needs a driver version from nvidia outside that interval). There was an offer once from someone in the YaST Team to add it as an option to YaST installer; I think it's probably to early and I would like to have it field tested before giving it the spotlight. Yes, I'll keep watching it (and I need to improve the layout of the repositories and base them on GNOME versioning and not distro because of nasty not-backwards compatible changes). Currently I'm working on MATE (still a long road to go) and I'm moving some of openSUSE GNOME2 patches to mate upstream (thanks Vincent for some awesome patches). So on openSUSE 12.2, users will have Cinnamon in the main distro, but not seen on the YaST installer. Lets give it a proper field test before we take such decision. Upstream isn't so much active anymore on it. I do expect to have a spin of 12.2 with MATE and Cinnamon integrated :) NM PS: Votes off sucess in your career in openSUSE, I've heard you're moving on. A lot of people will miss you, me included; without your help there wouldn't probably be a lot of fun packages. Vince, you're __THE__ man!. N�����r��y隊Z)z{.��'�g��{.n�+������Ǩ��r��i�m��0��ޙ��������z&{�0�����Ǩ�