Since there's a possibility that I won't be able to attend tomorrow's meeting, I thought I would go ahead and send a status update here on the topic of a11y: = HPJ and I have picked up a bit of steam in the past week and really started to take a closer look at what what is available, what isn't available, what should be done, what makes sense, etc. It really is a big project but one that we feel will benefit openSuse greatly. = I've been examining the Orca tool closely and filed some bug reports on it. I've also joined the Orca mailing list over at gnome.org in order to get an even better understanding of that particular tool. Whenever relevant, I pass along information to HPJ. = I installed gok and briefly took a look at it. Didn't get it to work, but will give it more attention next week. This was not a tool that was obviously available to users. I happened to come across it when reading gnome.org's accessibility documentation. We'll need to figure out a good method for informing users that such tools are available on media/repos. = Federico seems to have helped to push one of the bugs I filed against OpenOffice a bit higher on that team's radar. Many thanks to you Federico. = There's a slowly growing number of bugs tagged with the gnome-accessibility status. I'll continue to work on that. = I sent an informal survey to my deaf-blind mailing list yesterday querying font usage in emails, to help give HPJ and me more perspective. = We're at the point now where generally, anything we find won't be fixed until 11.0. I'm in the midst of a hardware upgrade, but as soon as I'm done (hopefully next week), we're going to start testing on 11.0. Let me or HPJ know if you have any questions here. Thanks, -- ---Bryen--- -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-gnome+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-gnome+help@opensuse.org