[New: openFATE 315097] Implement The Standard Interchange Protocol 2.0 As An Authentication Schema

Feature added by: Timothy Butterworth (timothy_m_butterworth) Feature #315097, revision 1 Title: Implement The Standard Interchange Protocol 2.0 As An Authentication Schema openSUSE Distribution: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Desirable Requested by: Timothy Butterworth (timothy_m_butterworth) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: The Standard Interchange Protocol 2.0 is a proprietary standard communication protocol that is developed and published as a standard by 3M. It is primarily implemented to provide communication between Library Computer Systems and Self-Service Circulation Terminals. This protocol is implemented across the majority of Integrated Library Management Systems including open source LMS software such as KOHA. One of its functions is patron library card âuser accountâ creation and authentication. In addition to this it is also implemented in envisionware PC Reservation which can utilize to provide patron accessible computers systems with authentication utilizing their existing library cards. Currently there is no direct integration of The Standard Interchange Protocol 2.0 as an authentication mechanism for Linux. Although it may be possible to utilize RADIUS authentication with The Radiator RADIUS server to proxy from RADIUS to SIP2. Radiator is the only RADIUS product I have currently found so far that supports SIP2. OSC Radiator SIP2 Announcement: http://www.open.com.au/pipermail/radiator/2012-July/018433.html As many open source software projects such as Koha have already implemented SIP2.0 and their source code is available under various open source licenses that code base could be utilized as a model or reused to implement this authentication. The Source code is also available for review in the commercial OCS Radiator Product as well implemented as a RADIUS proxy component. Also the entire SIP 2.0 specification would not need to be implemented just the client logon component. Which incorporates the following behavior: Formatting and sending SIP2 Patron Status Request message (type 23) with Patron's identifier and password to the specified SIP2 server. Receiving and processing SIP2 Patron Status Response (type 24) from the SIP2 Server. This would allow the basic authentication to take place. This could also be incorporated into a domain authentication system to provide more advanced user management such as user login restrictions such as authorized login times and maximum session duration if a component was implemented to create a trust for the external SIP2 patron accounts and perform the proxy rewrite. Use Case: Incorporating SIP2 as an authentication mechanism in Linux Distributions would provide a means for libraries to Integrate Linux systems for patron internet access utilizing their existing LMS Patron user accounts. This opens up an additional sales market for Linux Distributors. The majority of libraries currently have and others are planning to implement patron internet access systems. This is beneficial for Linux Distributors as their products could be purchased and deployed instead of the more costly solutions which currently require Envisionware PC Reservation licenses, Microsoft Windows Licenses as well as additional expensive software license costs. Our libraries currently have 200+ patron access systems spread across multiple locations that could be migrated to Linux with the removal of MS Windows, PC Reservation and other expensive software licensing/purchases costs associated with them. This is the only major hurdle preventing a future Linux deployment. Business case (Partner benefit): openSUSE.org: There is a valid use case here as well as a demand by libraries to have products that incorporate SIP2 as an authentication mechanism to integrate into their existing Library Management Systems. Incorporating this will assist in the further spread and adoption of Linux and provide an inroads into organizations with libraries that utilize SIP2 across the world. As not other Linux distribution current provides this that I have found it would also be a ground breaking achievement being first to market to meet user demand. Also currently as I said Microsoft and other OS's do not support this capability either. This would assist in making Linux accessible to the masses and possibly attract youth to Linux over windows. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/315097

Feature changed by: Jan Engelhardt (jengelh) Feature #315097, revision 3 Title: Implement The Standard Interchange Protocol 2.0 As An Authentication Schema - openSUSE Distribution: Unconfirmed + openSUSE Distribution: Duplicate of #309617 Priority Requester: Desirable Requested by: Timothy Butterworth (timothy_m_butterworth) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: The Standard Interchange Protocol 2.0 is a proprietary standard communication protocol that is developed and published as a standard by 3M. It is primarily implemented to provide communication between Library Computer Systems and Self-Service Circulation Terminals. This protocol is implemented across the majority of Integrated Library Management Systems including open source LMS software such as KOHA. One of its functions is patron library card âuser accountâ creation and authentication. In addition to this it is also implemented in envisionware PC Reservation which can utilize to provide patron accessible computers systems with authentication utilizing their existing library cards. Currently there is no direct integration of The Standard Interchange Protocol 2.0 as an authentication mechanism for Linux. Although it may be possible to utilize RADIUS authentication with The Radiator RADIUS server to proxy from RADIUS to SIP2. Radiator is the only RADIUS product I have currently found so far that supports SIP2. OSC Radiator SIP2 Announcement: http://www.open.com.au/pipermail/radiator/2012-July/018433.html As many open source software projects such as Koha have already implemented SIP2.0 and their source code is available under various open source licenses that code base could be utilized as a model or reused to implement this authentication. The Source code is also available for review in the commercial OCS Radiator Product as well implemented as a RADIUS proxy component. Also the entire SIP 2.0 specification would not need to be implemented just the client logon component. Which incorporates the following behavior: Formatting and sending SIP2 Patron Status Request message (type 23) with Patron's identifier and password to the specified SIP2 server. Receiving and processing SIP2 Patron Status Response (type 24) from the SIP2 Server. This would allow the basic authentication to take place. This could also be incorporated into a domain authentication system to provide more advanced user management such as user login restrictions such as authorized login times and maximum session duration if a component was implemented to create a trust for the external SIP2 patron accounts and perform the proxy rewrite. + Relations: + - (feature/duplicate: 309617) Use Case: Incorporating SIP2 as an authentication mechanism in Linux Distributions would provide a means for libraries to Integrate Linux systems for patron internet access utilizing their existing LMS Patron user accounts. This opens up an additional sales market for Linux Distributors. The majority of libraries currently have and others are planning to implement patron internet access systems. This is beneficial for Linux Distributors as their products could be purchased and deployed instead of the more costly solutions which currently require Envisionware PC Reservation licenses, Microsoft Windows Licenses as well as additional expensive software license costs. Our libraries currently have 200+ patron access systems spread across multiple locations that could be migrated to Linux with the removal of MS Windows, PC Reservation and other expensive software licensing/purchases costs associated with them. This is the only major hurdle preventing a future Linux deployment. Business case (Partner benefit): openSUSE.org: There is a valid use case here as well as a demand by libraries to have products that incorporate SIP2 as an authentication mechanism to integrate into their existing Library Management Systems. Incorporating this will assist in the further spread and adoption of Linux and provide an inroads into organizations with libraries that utilize SIP2 across the world. As not other Linux distribution current provides this that I have found it would also be a ground breaking achievement being first to market to meet user demand. Also currently as I said Microsoft and other OS's do not support this capability either. This would assist in making Linux accessible to the masses and possibly attract youth to Linux over windows. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/315097

Feature changed by: Jan Engelhardt (jengelh) Feature #315097, revision 4 Title: Implement The Standard Interchange Protocol 2.0 As An Authentication Schema - openSUSE Distribution: Duplicate of #309617 + openSUSE Distribution: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Desirable Requested by: Timothy Butterworth (timothy_m_butterworth) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: The Standard Interchange Protocol 2.0 is a proprietary standard communication protocol that is developed and published as a standard by 3M. It is primarily implemented to provide communication between Library Computer Systems and Self-Service Circulation Terminals. This protocol is implemented across the majority of Integrated Library Management Systems including open source LMS software such as KOHA. One of its functions is patron library card âuser accountâ creation and authentication. In addition to this it is also implemented in envisionware PC Reservation which can utilize to provide patron accessible computers systems with authentication utilizing their existing library cards. Currently there is no direct integration of The Standard Interchange Protocol 2.0 as an authentication mechanism for Linux. Although it may be possible to utilize RADIUS authentication with The Radiator RADIUS server to proxy from RADIUS to SIP2. Radiator is the only RADIUS product I have currently found so far that supports SIP2. OSC Radiator SIP2 Announcement: http://www.open.com.au/pipermail/radiator/2012-July/018433.html As many open source software projects such as Koha have already implemented SIP2.0 and their source code is available under various open source licenses that code base could be utilized as a model or reused to implement this authentication. The Source code is also available for review in the commercial OCS Radiator Product as well implemented as a RADIUS proxy component. Also the entire SIP 2.0 specification would not need to be implemented just the client logon component. Which incorporates the following behavior: Formatting and sending SIP2 Patron Status Request message (type 23) with Patron's identifier and password to the specified SIP2 server. Receiving and processing SIP2 Patron Status Response (type 24) from the SIP2 Server. This would allow the basic authentication to take place. This could also be incorporated into a domain authentication system to provide more advanced user management such as user login restrictions such as authorized login times and maximum session duration if a component was implemented to create a trust for the external SIP2 patron accounts and perform the proxy rewrite. Relations: - (feature/duplicate: 309617) Use Case: Incorporating SIP2 as an authentication mechanism in Linux Distributions would provide a means for libraries to Integrate Linux systems for patron internet access utilizing their existing LMS Patron user accounts. This opens up an additional sales market for Linux Distributors. The majority of libraries currently have and others are planning to implement patron internet access systems. This is beneficial for Linux Distributors as their products could be purchased and deployed instead of the more costly solutions which currently require Envisionware PC Reservation licenses, Microsoft Windows Licenses as well as additional expensive software license costs. Our libraries currently have 200+ patron access systems spread across multiple locations that could be migrated to Linux with the removal of MS Windows, PC Reservation and other expensive software licensing/purchases costs associated with them. This is the only major hurdle preventing a future Linux deployment. Business case (Partner benefit): openSUSE.org: There is a valid use case here as well as a demand by libraries to have products that incorporate SIP2 as an authentication mechanism to integrate into their existing Library Management Systems. Incorporating this will assist in the further spread and adoption of Linux and provide an inroads into organizations with libraries that utilize SIP2 across the world. As not other Linux distribution current provides this that I have found it would also be a ground breaking achievement being first to market to meet user demand. Also currently as I said Microsoft and other OS's do not support this capability either. This would assist in making Linux accessible to the masses and possibly attract youth to Linux over windows. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/315097
participants (1)