[Fate 302047] Integrated package searching for YaST and build service

Feature changed by: michl Feature #302047, revision 19 Title: Integrated package searching for YaST and build service openSUSE-10.3: Rejected by aj@novell.com reject date: 2007-10-05 14:30:28 reject reason: still open partly - postpone the rest. Priority Requester: Important Projectmanager: Important - openSUSE-11.0: New + openSUSE-11.0: Evaluation Priority Requester: Important + Projectmanager: Important Requested by: dmacvicar@novell.com - Partner organization: Novell + Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: You perhaps remember the hacks Benjamin did to support  "click and install" packages (similar to Click'n run) [1] Benjamin has another article in his blog that is worth to read. He has been providing a wepage to search packages from repositories like packman and build service. Now he presents an architecture to desentralize the system, using web services an indexers, and he shows working prototypes of YaST modules for searching, and others like web and irc-bot clients http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/bweber/entry/package_search_developments/ I hope we can provide a strategy and roadmap to integrate these cool ideas and _code_.  [1]: http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/bweber/entry/next_generation_package/ Discussion: #1: jw@suse.de (2007-05-03 15:29:13) see also 300898 For 10.3 the installer should be able to make use of an external list of repositories. I suggest to host such a list at http://packages.opensuse-community.org/ together with the search engine, which is already there. #3: freitag@novell.com (2007-07-12 10:46:54) Implementation on openSUSE BS already started, Adrian knows the details. #4: adrian@novell.com (2007-07-12 11:30:04) We work on two approaches atm: * YaST will support (thanks to mvidner) additional repository offers during installation. The list gets hosted on our servers, the open question is how to maintain this list. * The build service End-User interface will offer .ymp files based on pattern submissions for easy installation. #5: visnov@novell.com (2007-07-30 20:13:09) (reply to #4) Adrian, please, drive this. The feature for YaST should be done now (let me know if anything is missing). + #6: michl@novell.com (2007-11-22 11:26:30) + This sounds like very useful. And it might be possible the community + (in this case Benji) helps implementing this. -- SUSE Feature Tool: http://partnerfate.suse.de/?rm=feature_show&id=302047
participants (1)