Feature added by: Katarina Machalkova (kmachalkova) Feature #306928, revision 1 Title: Better integration of YaST webpin client into openSUSE Package Wishlist: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Desirable Requested by: Katarina Machalkova (kmachalkova) Description: <p><a href="http://hedgehogpainter.livejournal.com/#asset-hedgehogpainter-4686">YaST webpin client</a> is done and usable since quite some time already, yet its integration into platform is far from being smooth. openSUSE users have very few chances to learn about it in order to use it. This feature consists of two parts:<ul> <li> Webpin search client will be accessible and launchable from menu entry, added to Qt/Gtk/Ncurses package selectors </li><li> New package yast2-packager-webpin will be splitted off yast2-packager, containing webpin module, client + additional .desktop file </li></ul>The purpose of the latter is not to clutter YaST control centre with too many icons, installed along with yast2-packager (which is in default installation). This way, user will get extra icon only if yast2-packager-webpin</p> -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/306928