Feature changed by: Mindaugas Baranauskas (embar-) Feature #310848, revision 4 Title: Allow select multiple in Package Manager (YaST module) openSUSE-11.4: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Mindaugas Baranauskas (embar-) Description: Now I can select only 1 or only all packages in YaST package manager. It would be logical to allow to mark several packages (more than 1, not all) by pressing Shift, Ctrl. The marked packages could be manipulated with the same task: I select 3 packages, press right mouse, select to install (uninstall/tabu) these 3 packages. Discussion: #1: Mindaugas Baranauskas (embar-) (2010-11-20 11:28:53) I think it would be easy to realise, because now it possible to select all packages in list. + #2: Mindaugas Baranauskas (embar-) (2010-11-21 14:53:39) + I see, that GTK version already can this. It is need to enhance only Qt + version -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/310848