Feature changed by: Nelson Marques (ketheriel) Feature #310778, revision 13 Title: Project Bretzn app-store to be integrated into opensuse 11.4 openSUSE-11.4: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: jimbo bigcreed (dimble_thricefoon) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: http://news.opensuse.org/2010/10/26/from-the-developer-to-the-user-and-back-... Purpose: 1) Make it easy for developers to release an application 2) Make it easy for developers to market and for users to learn about that application 3) Make it easy for users to install the application Project Bretzn consists of three parts: the building of the package, the publishing of the application, the marketing to the users and the feedback cycle back to the developer. The building part consists of plugins for IDE’s and integration with Build Services and using Lubos Lunak’s OBS Generator (http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/4177) (yes, still looking for a new name (http://michal.hrusecky.net/index.php/blog/show/kde-obs-generator-is-looking-... 21--1.html) ) to automatically generate cross-platform build files. Publishing sends the app to a variety of App Stores and then markets it through announcing it on Facebook, Twitter, via a RSS feed and the Social Desktop (http://socialdesktop.org/) . Finally, users can provide feedback by rating the application and commenting on it, by writing bug reports and send messages to mailing lists or forums. And all of that with one click (well, maybe a few more). Status: Over 70% of the work is done already and the team is aiming to ship in December. They are working with other openSUSE developers to make a proof-of-concept App Store for openSUSE using OBS and the other integration which will hopefully ship in the upcoming openSUSE 11.4 release. This sounds like the kind of thing we want! Discussion: #1: Jedi Beeftrix (jedibeeftrix) (2010-12-29 13:14:37) update on Bretzn: http://blog.karlitschek.de/2010/12/beta-of-qt-creator-buildservice-plugin.ht... #2: Jos Poortvliet (jospoortvliet) (2010-12-29 16:00:37) End of Januari a Bretzn sprint will be held in the openSUSE offices in Nuremberg, part of the goal is to integrate it better in openSUSE. Hopefully we can make this happen ;-) #3: Jedi Beeftrix (jedibeeftrix) (2010-12-29 22:58:24) (reply to #2) thank you Jos, I look forward to seeing bretzn integrated into 11.4. + #4: Nelson Marques (ketheriel) (2011-01-01 15:50:35) + I find the terminology 'store' misplaced for a community freely + available linux distribution. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/310778