Feature changed by: Per Jessen (pjessen) Feature #311308, revision 2 Title: installing process: please provide new tab "installation setup/summary" openSUSE Distribution: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Desirable Requested by: Maciej Pilichowski (truemacias) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=671541 When you are just about to confirm installation you can read section by section all details about the installation (like booting options, packages selected, firewall settings, and so on). When you confirm installation, this screen vanishes and you are presented with installation progress with 3 tabs -- slide show, details, release notes. None of those tabs present the summary of the installation you just saw before. Please add it (this time static of course, not editable). It is valuable when lengthy installation is in progress and you want to reassure you didn't make mistake in settings. + Discussion: + #1: Per Jessen (pjessen) (2011-02-16 19:09:42) + I like this - it's a nice and clean usability enhancement. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/311308