Feature changed by: Simon Lees (simotek) Feature #323785, revision 7 Title: generic translation of pattern-category Requested by: Ludwig Nussel (lnussel) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: pattern packages have special tags for the category, e.g. pattern-category() = Base%20Technologies Also, translations are contained directly in the package, ie pattern-category(de) = Basistechnologien pattern-category(zh_CN) = %E5% 9F%BA%E7%A1%80%E6%8A%80%E6%9C%AF The translations come from a perl script in patterns-rpm-macros: https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/openSUSE:Factory/patterns-rpm-m... Ie not via weblate. Also putting localized strings in package metadata is uncommon on (open)SUSE. So instead of using a custom special method we should use the regular package metadata translation mechanism we also use for summary and description: https://l10n.opensuse.org/projects/packages-i18n/patterns-master/ Furthermore, how about instead of using this extra provides tag, use the rpm group tag, like e.g. Group: patterns/Base Technologies Discussion: #1: Kai Dupke (kdupke) (2017-08-08 07:15:35Z) Is openSUSE using the l10n aproach? #2: Ludwig Nussel (lnussel) (2017-08-25 07:51:12Z) (reply to #1) opensuse uses weblate for almost everything related to translations, yes. patterns is one of the few remaining issues. #3: Michael Andres (mlandres) (2017-08-25 08:51:22) Pattern and Product are virtual objects. Their properties are derived from an associated physical package (patterns-* or -release packages). Pro of this approach is that even if you'd manipulate your system rpm- only, zypp will always properly recognize the installed Patterns and Products. Neither within a repo nor within an installed system we need extra metadata files for them. Also a big plus for SUMA/SCC/... because they don't need to be aware of the 'extra matadata' the task packages ship. No extra files. No extra parser. No extra metadata generator. Please remember SLE11 time, where we used extra metadata files for patterns and products. The inability to reliably determine the installed patterns/products, to properly remove or update patterns/products. We do not want this back, nor do our customers. Kind of 'Con' of course is the fact that the associated task packages need to ship the Pattern/Product attributes within their metadata, usually within the task packages 'provides' (like e.g. the translated categories). Shifting the location of individual tags would be possible provided they are still part of the task packages rpm header, i.e. available in the rpm database and in the repositories primary.xml. Disadvantage however is thet older zypp versions will not recoignize thes tags. This may raise issues for the migrations. + #4: Simon Lees (simotek) (2018-04-04 14:00:11) + It turns out that the public cloud and a couple of the other smaller + SLE addon patterns were already doing this and integrating into the old + svn translation system. Ill look at updating everything else to do + something similar. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/323785