Feature changed by: Carlos Gonçalves (cgoncalves) Feature #307391, revision 2 Title: yast2-control-center-qt4 move back to qt "appereance" openSUSE-11.2: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: andrea florio (anubisg1) Description: Finally yast developers are moving control-center to qt4, but installing the version provided in kde:kde4:factory:desktop i saw that really bad looking, It actually lookss the gnome version written in qt4, with that i mean that it appears like a single long list of yast modules. That list is too long and confuse the user, in the same way, selecting groups on right side, produce nothing useful because the modules available on that groups are still hidden (only the first one is on the bottom of the page). i think developers should maintain qt3 layout where you see only modules available on that group and possibly in 2 or more columns + Discussion: + #1: Carlos Gonçalves (cgoncalves) (2009-08-13 15:03:05) + I must have to say that I didn't like the new UI I saw in at least + Milestone 5 either, and I would rather to see it the way it looked like + when in Qt3. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/307391