Feature added by: Lars Vogdt (lrupp) Feature #309477, revision 1 Title: Enhance Education Li-f-e DVD Requested by: Lars Vogdt (lrupp) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: Let's start enhancing the current openSUSE-Education Li-f-e Media (http://en.opensuse.org/Education/Life) : * review the current applications * create good documentation around the applications and the Li-f-e Media * create packages from the courses on " Linux for Education (http://www.linux-for-education.org/) " * Review Education Bugs in Bugzilla * Enhance the current KIWI-LTSP setup: * Allow a separate DHCP Server running in the network * Allow users to login who have their credentials stored on another server in the network Also think about a basic Li-f-e Media allowing users to add their own packages for their purposes. An university might place other applications on the media than a primary school (as example)... Business case (Partner benefit): openSUSE.org: The openSUSE-Education project is one of the biggest projects in openSUSE and already has an excellent reputation in the community (not only in the openSUSE community). Adding more value to one of the biggest "pro's" of openSUSE Education would increase this reputation and might help people to use Linux in the educational environment. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/309477