Feature added by: Dean Hilkewich (deanjo13) Feature #305694, revision 1, last change by Title: Separate Desktop / Server Kernels openSUSE-11.2: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Dean Hilkewich (deanjo13) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: It seems to me that the current default kernels are somewhat hurting openSUSE's performance perception. Current kernel configs are OK but are not very well suited for desktop usage. In the future I would like to see a kernel package that is optimized for desktop usage. Current timer settings and no preemption really (sometimes drastically) hurts openGL performance and applications such as wine and causes alot of issues such as audio studdering. It would be nice to see a separate desktop performance kernel package with options such as Preemption model set to Preemptable Kenel (low-latency Desktop) and Timer Frequency Set to 1000 Hz, HPET support, Tickless System, disable optimize for size, disable Control Group support and disable Group CPU scheduler. You could also disable items and modules that are extremely rare in a desktop environment such as ATM support, Infiniband etc etc as these are not typically used in a desktop scenario which would be a large majority of openSUSE users. Further performance enhancements would also be done through out the system aimed at desktop use as well such as disabling barriers (even making it a simple checkmark option in the partitioner). Such optimizations for desktop usage can overcome openSUSE's reputation as being slower then the other mainstream distro's. The kernel settings alone can make up to a 30-40% increase in framerates in wine games for example and can cure alot of hiccups in multimedia apps. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/?rm=feature_show&id=305694