Feature changed by: andrea florio (anubisg1) Feature #305706, revision 11 Title: Facebook chat/Pidgin Integration openSUSE-11.2: Candidate Priority Requester: Desirable Projectmanager: Desirable Requested by: Kevin Dupuy (kdupuy9) Developer: andrea florio (anubisg1) Developer: Radomír Černoch (radomir_cernoch) Description: Facebook is currently the most popular social networking site, and it's chat functionality is being used as an IM client for many people. With pidgin-facebookchat (http://code.google.com/p/pidgin-facebookchat/) , Pidgin seamlessly integrates Facebook friends and chats as it would any other IM service. The plugin is already there, and licensed under the GPLv3 (see website above). Discussion: #1: Stephan Kulow (coolo) (2009-06-24 12:07:11)
osc maintainer openSUSE:Factory:Contrib pidgin-facebookchat bugowner : anubisg1, radomir_cernoch maintainer : anubisg1, radomir_cernoch, anubisg1, radomir_cernoch
#2: andrea florio (anubisg1) (2009-06-24 12:40:07) working on revision to submitreq in Factory project #3: Luis Medinas (lmedinas) (2009-07-29 20:44:05) What's the progress on this ? On the next GNOME meeting we will discuss social network integration on opensuse this is possibly an important package. + #4: andrea florio (anubisg1) (2009-08-13 14:43:33) (reply to #3) + the package on contribfactry is there and actually it's working fine -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/305706